The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas Friedman title: Winners and Losers In globalization

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Friedman's book entitled The Lexus and the Olive Tree took a good look at globalization, and the difference between the times our country and others went through during the past few decades, to get to where we are, and the Cold War. It seems true to me that all dynamic systems involving the exchange of material and ideational "goods" that there must be winners and losers. Before I discuss whom Friedman puts into these two …

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…One website, translated into Hindi, Mandarin, Swahili and Spanish would have a potential user base of two billion people. It can help people even the poorest people invent their way out of poverty, and create digital dividends, rather than a digital divide."( pg.359) 8 "There is no better measure of this crisis than the loss of languages. Throughout all of history something on the order of 10,000 spoken languages have existed...As languages disappear cultures die."(303-04)