The Lesson

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Anger is such a common word in everyday language and society. It is an emotion, a violent passion that is usually caused by real or supposed injury. Anger can result from something as major as bodily harm or as trivial as not being able to afford a toy. In Toni Cade Bambara=s short story AThe Lesson,@ the audience is shown how anger can be expressed at an early age. One would think that children …

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…incredibly powerful emotion. Authors use anger as a source to capture his or her audience=s attention. Bambara uses this emotion, not only to interest her audience, but to force them to feel what Sylvia feels. Bambara=s anger towards the economic system of America is shown through Sylvia who takes her anger out on Miss Moore. Not always do writers achieve the goal of their work, but Bambara is able to accomplish her goal.