The Legalization of Prostitution.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
One of the most heatedly-debated topics in strip clubs, bars, and the underground brothels that flourish in the shadows of many large cities is the case concerning the legalization of prostitution. Prostitution is known as "the world's oldest profession," having been in existence since the times of the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians. Research results show that over a million females in the United States are full-time prostitutes. Prostitution, or the politically correct term "sex work," …

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…a moral or an ethical thing. Sex should not be used as a commodity; it should be personal and sacred. However, each person has the right to use sexual intimacy as they wish. Therefore, prostitution should be legalized, under the circumstances that the workers are inspected weekly and their clients be thoroughly interviewed and identified before they indulge in the services of the prostitute. Sex is a choice, not a reason for incrimination and imprisonment.