The Legalization of Marijuana

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Legalize it! Think back to the late 60's and 70's and a few images will come to mind, the Vietnam War, man on the moon, and for almost everybody the image of a group of hippies somewhere in a field smoking a joint. The once hippies and marijuana users are now grown-ups with a mission, legalization of the drug they once used to help them escape. I personaly feel that these people have good reasoning …

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…don't see it as possibility right now. William Buckley Jr. writes, "80% think adults should be able to use marijuana legally for medical purposes, and 72% believe that people arrested for possessing small amounts of marijuana should be fined not jailed" (Buckley, p.55). I only hope the same 72% don't "forget" to vote when these propositions arise. Works Cited Buckley Jr., William F. "The Pot War Boiling." National Review November 2002: 55. Lowry, Richard. "Weed Whackers." National Review August 2001: 36-39.