The League of Nations' Power of Arbitration successfully in action using two specific examples.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
The League of Nations was an organization there to maintain the peace in our world by solving disputes. However, have they really achieved their aim? Were they successful? According to historical facts, the League of Nation has achieved six major successes in compromises of disputes, known as the SAMBOK; the Bulgaria event was one of the successes. On the other hand, there were six main failures, the VIMCOD that included Corfu. But was this really …

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…reason was that they showed that to solve a problem, you don't need to fight. The action in Bulgaria was pretty much the same. They did ask Greece to leave Bulgaria, and after all they did leave, without having a war. They did prove that they can make a peaceful world so countries started to trust them and this is why I think that the actions during the 1920s did add to the League's reputation.