The Leadership Attributes of Lee Iacocca

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The Leadership Attributes of Lee Iacocca Business 220 Bennie Felts Malcolm Davis February 18th 2005 In this paper, I would like to introduce some of the leadership attributes that have been instrumental in making Mr. Iacocca a successful leader. A lot of people wish that he had taken a leap into the political arena. A man of his unique leadership skills would make for a great politician. From Ford and Chrysler, to his current adventure the E-bike …

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…corporations that he ran. He is the type of leader that is sorely missed in the business world of today. He was a man of dual collars. It made no difference whether you were blue collar or white collar; you were a vital part of the team. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and Lee knew it was true in business. <Tab/> <Tab/>