The Lasting Influence of Benjamin Franklin's Writings

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Essay Database > History
The Lasting Influence of Benjamin Franklin's Writings Benjamin Franklin is one of the best known figures in Amercian history. His industrious rise to seccess, his role in this country's struggle for independence, and his investigations into the mysteries of electricity are among his famous accomplishments. Yet, his fame is due not only to these achievements but also to his remarkable ability to communicate his views and ideas effectively. A self-taught writer, Franklin immortalized himself with …

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…Autobiography. Ed. Gordon S. Haight. New York: Black, 1941. Goodwin, Ralph. Personal interview. 31 July 1996 Horberger, Theodore. "Franklin." Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia. 1985 ed. Ketcham, Ralph L., ed. Introduction. The Political Thought of Benjamin Franklin. Indianapolis: Bobbs, 1965. xxvii-lvi. Sayre, Robert F. Preface. The Examined Self: Benjamin Franklin, Henry Adams, Henry James. By Sayre. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1964. vii-xiii. Trent, William P., et al., eds. Colonial and Revolutionary Literature. New York: Putnam, 1918. Vol. 1. of The Cambridge History of American Literature. 3 vols.