"The Lamp at Noon" - short story about isolation.

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Essay Database > Literature
Sinclair Ross responds to the issue of isolation, in his short story, "The Lamp at Noon." The author focuses on the theme of how not to deal with isolation. This notion is reinforced by the setting (mood/physical), characters, and symbolism that he describes so vividly. The first method the author uses to convey the idea of isolation is through setting. The setting was beautifully described creating imagery that assists the focus of the theme. …

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…in anger and sorrow later on. This is also not a good way to handle matters of isolation. Moreover, the author depicts ways of how not to be or act with isolation sitting beside you, and has done a good job of it. A setting, assisted by mood, characters, and symbolism all contribute to the remedies or viruses, depending on the circumstances of how to deal with a story's main theme, in this one, isolation.