"The Lady with the Pet Dog" by Anton Chekhov.

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"The Lady with the Pet Dog", was written by Anton Chekhov. He was a popular Russian writer, He was born in 1860 and died in 1904. Chekhov began as the author of short humorous stories. When Chekhov wrote this story in 1899, he had become a respiratory invalid as a result of far advanced tuberculosis. At his doctor's orders, he had spent the winter of 1898-99 in the mild climate of Yalta and was about to move there …

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…It is not his wife as maybe it should be, but he loves, caring fully for another person. This story is one of Chekhov's finest and most characteristic, demonstrating sensitivity to the subtleties of human relationship and deep respect for his characters. Just as Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna forgive each other, solution to their plight. Pain and suffering clearly lie ahead. It is quite possible that their lives will be destroyed by their illicit love.