"The Lady with the Pet Dog" by Anton Chekhov.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In reading the short story The Lady with the Pet Dog by Anton Chekhov one can make many assumptions about the main characters. The short story is about an affair that leads to something more than the two main characters expect it to be. Throughout the story, Chekhov shows the portrayal and transformation of the main characters through different events in their lives. The end leaves the reader with little idea of what's going to …

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…character could imagine such happiness in their lives. The protagonist, Gurov, appeared as just a seducer but Chekhov gradually reveals that his desire for having affairs was actually something deeper. Gurov amazes himself by finding love, "really, truly-for the first time in his life." Throughout the story the main characters transform in many ways. Even though the ending leaves the reader with little idea of what is going to happen, Chekhov hints of their escape.