The Ku Klux Klan

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Essay Database > History
THE KU KLUX KLAN The Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1865 shortly after the civil war as a social club in the small town called Pulaski, located in Tennessee. The origins of the Klan were closely guarded; there were many theories as to how the Klan was formed and by whom. One of the more absurd theories was that the Klan was originally a group of Chinese opium smugglers. But the true story is that …

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…illegal aliens. 8. That the death penalty should be given to all convicted drug dealers and smugglers. 9. That the laws of the land should always be upheld. Criminal acts of any kind will not be condoned or tolerated. These are the beliefs of the Klan today and although they are not heard of prominently in the news, it is inevitable that they will always exist and try to force their opinions and delusions onto other people.