The Ku Klux Klan 2

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Essay Database > History
The Ku Klux Klan The KU KLUX KLAN is a group of white secret societies who oppose the advancement of blacks, Jews, Gays and other Minority groups. The Ku KLux Klan also known as the KKK or the Klan, Is active in The United States of America and Canada. It often uses violence to achieve its goal in society. The KKK members wear robes and hoods, and burn crosses at their outdoor meetings. They will …

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…faith, and the high levels of Western Culture and technology. 2.America should come first before any foreign or alien influence of interest. 3.The Constitution, as originally written and intended, is the finest system of government ever conceived by man. 4.There should be an end to high-finance. 5.Americans have a right to practice their Christian faith-including prayer in schools. 6.The family unit, is one of the most important ingredients in the preservation of White Christian civilization