"The Killer Angels": An overview and the significance of the Battle of Gettysburg

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
The Killer Angels By Michael Shaara ISBN 0-345-34810-9 1974 Michael Shaara's "The Killer Angels" depicts in great detail the events that occurred at and preceded the civil war battle of Gettysburg. Shaara goes to great lengths in order to accurately depict each soldiers' struggles, and the overall moods present while on the battlefield. He takes the view of leaders of both sides of the battles in order to give the reader a more complete …

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…of the civil war, one of only a few fought in Union territory. If the Confederate forces had won, they would have been free to head to Washington, the capitol of the north, or to Philadelphia. If they had reached Philadelphia, then they could have influence northern politicians to give up support for the war. This shows how the outcome of the battle of Gettysburg could drastically change the United States as it stands today.