The Khoja Shiite society of Dubai

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Life in the modern era is continuously changing and evolving from time to time. Societies and cultures are in constant motion and traditions relating to particular societies or cults are altered or vary in meaning and understanding as they are passed down from generation to generation. Everything changes overtime whether they are beliefs or religion or maybe something more abstract such as ideology or political policy as it tends to develop certain kinds of social …

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…youths look at their future and take decisions to meet their goals. References Preston, Christine (2000) Social Continuity and Change, Retrieved June 1, 2005, from Professional teachers Council database at Vago, S. (1989) Social Change. U.S.A: New Jersey Prentice Hall Williamson, M. Hon MP (1996, March). Homepage. Ministry Of Economic Development in New Zealand, How information Technology will change New Zealand, Retrieved June 4, 2005, from http://