The Kennedy Conspiracy

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The assassination of president Kennedy took place in the midst of two largely secret wars that the Kennedy brothers(president John F. Kennedy and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy) were waging concurrently, one against organized crime and the other against Fidel Castro, the leader of Cuba. The war against organized crime was largely Robert F. Kennedy's pet operation, but it was carried on with full backing of his brother, the president. Robert F. Kennedy also …

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…for this long. They have no reason to. They had no major role in the assassination. Is there something to hide or have we tricked ourselves into believing a false story? A rumor made up by a man with a great imagination? If this is so, and Oswald did act alone, then there is only one thing left for us as a country to do: apologize to our government and slap ourselves in the face.