"The Justification and Rationalization of the Ku Klux Klan". About how KKK thought what they were doing was right. Includes examples of crimes etc. 5 pages, 1704 words

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Essay Database > History
The Justification and Rationalization of the Ku Klux Klan When I was a sheltered, naive girl of seven, I caught a glimpse into minds of the people who have perhaps the most hatred in them and the most racist values of all. That day I had stayed home sick from school and simply turned on the television to watch something interesting. I ended up watching a very popular daytime talk show, Jerry Springer, and the …

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…difference: they are not white Christians. I am not quite as sheltered and naive anymore because of my research, but I am still appalled at the fact that according to the KKK of America, a person is horrible for being born the way they are. Maybe the Ku Klux Klan doesn't like change, or maybe they like normalcy. Perhaps these people are just afraid of the truth. The truth, however, is we are all equal.