The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. An essay on the effect's of capilists and capitalism in the book.

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The Jungle Essay Evidence #1: The house that Jurgis and his family had bought was not new at all as they had supposed; it was about fifteen years old, and there was nothing new upon it but the paint, which was so bad that it needed to be put on new every year or two. The house was one of a whole row that was built by a company which existed to make money by swindling …

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…who offered Jurgis a job in the stockyards, in return for voters. Mike Scully was to blame for the unpaved street in which Jurgis's child had drowned in the mud. It was also Scully who was principle stock-holder in the company which had sold him the ramshackle tenement, and then robbed him of it. And because of all these calamities that have destroyed Jugis's life and his family's, is all to be blamed on capitalism.