"The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Thematic essay on "The Jungle" Basicly describes the capitalistic ways of governenment during the progressive area manifested into the meat packing section of Chicago. Vividly describes the hardships of imigrants in the early 1900's. What is the theme of The Jungle? What is Upton Sinclair's purpose behind this book? Title: The Jungle Author: Upton Sinclair The Jungle as named by Upton Sinclair is an interesting story, describing the hardships, obstacles, as well as good times …

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…grew more and more. Now that we live in a society that has a much more broad scope on life, more people can accept the book for what it is, and what it was meant to be. Whereas in the past the scope of The Jungle was very narrow. Thus preventing the nation to accept the book for what it was, and what it was meant to be. Eventually leading to legislations supporting food inspection.