The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, and how it captures the zeitgeist of the early 1900's.

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Schwartz, Aaron English 11 AP 06/08/05 Hard Work Does Not Pay Off A novel can be more than just a story. Once read, every novel leaves a mark on the reader affecting his view on the subject. A novel can also be more than just entertainment. It can change a person's life, or even an entire society. The Jungle by Upton Sinclair did just this. It changed the way people thought. Not only did it change the …

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…view spreads to more people. It is this phenomenon that gave meatpacking plants such a bad reputation. Even though a book is fiction, its influence is equal to or even greater than a piece of work that is nonfiction. Books are important because they provide a way to influence people without them knowing. They also present a creative way to deliver a message. Without novels, many important ideas would not be presented to the world.