"The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair

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Upton Sinclair. The Jungle. New York: Signet Classic. 1960. The Jungle by Upton Sinclair is a novel set in Packingtown, the meatpacking sector of Chicago. The time is set in the beginning of the twentieth century. Upton Sinclair tells the story of an immigrant named Jurgis and his family that come to America in search of wealth and the good life that they hear so much about. They believe so much in the American dream. However, …

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…disease, and despair filled America. This novel does a fantastic job of illustrating the evils of capitalism and the remedy for it- socialism. It also shows how hard it was for immigrants to America and how the American Dream is just a myth. If someone is interested in the American society at the turn of the century then The Jungle is the book to read. This book will change your perception of the past considerably.