The Jungle Story

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Upton Sinclair?s novel the Jungle illustrates how greed and ruthless competition has made turn of the century America into a brutal jungle. ?Take or be taken? was the guiding rule, and everyone was someone else?s prey. Those at the bottom of the economic ladder - wage earners and their families were at a particular disadvantage in the capitalist jungle.Workers were slaves to the whims of their masters, the capitalist who own and …

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…of the people of America than it was to the labor conditions and exploitation that Sinclair was really concerned about. The scandal about the unsanitary meat caused a real drop in the consumption of meat by Americans to ?Eat More Meat.? Today, of course, that problem no longer exists, but the Pure Food laws they established in 1906 were the beginning if a new era of inspection and control of the food supply by the government.