The Jungle Book Report

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The Jungle The Jungle, written by Upton Sinclair is a harsh book that shows the reality of life. It tells how an immigrant goes through harsh times and death, which brings on depression, jail and a life of crime. In time, the life of crime and depression are fought off by two socialist speakers, which make him realize he can do more with his life. Newly arrived immigrants to Chicago Jurgis Radkus and Ona Lukoszaite …

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…It also showed me how important it is to weigh out all of the bad with the good, because all the bad does is weigh you down and it can only take a persons simple words to change your life. It also shows me how important it is to choose the right friends in life because they can really help you out in tough times. I now know you can never have too many friends.