The Jungle

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Evil, Immoral, and death all relate to the word darkness in The Jungle, a book written by Upton Sinclair. Jurgis, a Lithuanian is migrating to America with his eleven family members. Jurgis, along with his family has, his eyes set on money and happiness in America. But it didn't quite turn out that way he and his family obtained jobs but benefitted nothing from them. As if they were headed nowhere fast, all they got …

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…Socialism is what Sinclair was trying to stress, because you can't make it in this society alone. Everyone needs help, even those that are on top, and capitalism doesn't look at that. People are considered " smart " only because there are some called " dumb ". And people are " rich ", only because there are those that are poor. This book was very good and it can, and also just might, change your whole outlook on LIFE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**