The Jungle

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
When talking about great American novels of the past, The Jungle will probably come up in the conversation. The Jungle is a story about a gentleman and his family and how they came to America to find a better life, but instead found poor wages and terrible working conditions. Written by Upton Sinclair and published in 1906, The Jungle made not only an social impact but also an economic impact. Upton Sinclair was born on September 25,1878 …

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…of the meat factory plants but to show the downfall of Capitalism and express the benefits of Socialism. However the sale of meat did decline in the year after The Jungle was released. The Jungle also led to the passing of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act which was passed within a year of the release The Jungle. Upton Sinclair and his book The Jungle is one of the greatest historical books of all times.