The Jungle 2

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
It was the early 1900s and industrial development was booming. The Immigrated population was expanding exponentially because people from a variety of foreign countries were migrating to America. Many settled in and around the areas of Chicago. Immigrants faced intense hardships as newcomers to the country but eventually found work because they accepted little pay. The sanitation conditions, health conditions, and life in general was extremely poor. Muckrakers began turning their attention to the meat …

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…r the workers sake. Safety problems in all packinghouses were an issue even long after the book had been published. On average 23 accidents would happen each day at any given factory. That is an astronomical figure. The health and safety issues that caused so many women, children, and workingmen to die, were overlooked by the public. Impacting society through the legislations, unsanitary conditions, and socialism defines The Jungle as a true product of the times.