The Jungle

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The novel , The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair is a story of the pursuit of happiness and prosperity. Throughout the story there are many characters introduced to demonstrate to the reader the different types if people living in Chicago and how they try to work for a better tomorrow. The story begins at a wedding of two people in Chicago, whose names are Jurgis and Ona. They began their life together in debt as the result …

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…a disadvantage in the capitalist jungle. They are slaves to their masters, the capitalists, who own and run private industry. Immigrants, ignorant of the language and ways of their new country, are the most vulnerable members of this class. Because they are often ignorant of their own best interests, workers unknowingly take unwise steps that defeat themselves. They back the wrong candidates, manufacture goods that might harm them, and break strikes that could benefit them.