The Jungle

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the novel "The Jungle" there are many interesting characters. These unique characters seem to vary widely in their professions, social status, and economic status. I believe that this concept created by the author gives this novel a unique point of view to deliver to its audience. The Jungle revolves in part around the main character Jurgis Rudkus who is a Lithuanian man who immigrated to America. This is his first time in the new …

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…holidays and during union strikes, Packingtown still ran at full speed. Now that I have read The Jungle, I am amazed that our country survived to be the world superpower it is today. I am even more amazed that we did not all die from eating food made in such poor conditions. The novel did not persuade me to become a Socialist, but I did consider a vegetarian lifestyle. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed reading it