The Jungle

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair is an awakening to the truths of the wrongs done to people of the past as well as today. It is a very depressing realization of how everybody has their own motives and disregards those of others. Throughout the book Sinclair shows the struggles of an American family in order to show the flaws in the American Dream. The story begins with Jurgis, who along with his family has come …

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…stricken nations across the world today. These nations are abused by corporate businesses which hire poor people for low wages to allow the big corporations to make a little more money. Many of these laborers must still endure terrible working environments and often may not have proper housing, clothing, or nutrition. It is clear that The Jungle is very relevant to us today as it reflects the working world in and outside of America today.