The Jungle

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Essay Database > History
Throughout The Jungle, Jurgis and his extended family suffer numerous tribulations due to poverty, misfortune, difficulty with the law, alcoholism, illness, corruption, and abysmal working conditions. Jurgis and his family traveled from Lithuania to achieve the American dream. They were met with nothing but tragedy and heartache yet they believed that they would make it someday, they would be the American dream. In spite of the situation in which Jurgis resided, ultimately by the conclusion …

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…be. There was a major struggle in America in the early twentieth century for immigrants coming to find a new life; unfortunately for a lot of them it never happened. Jurgis and his family came to America in search of the American dream, but they had too many obstacles in their path. Jurgis never gave up; he just got off the path. He came from nothing and became something and that is the American dream.