The Jungle

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Jungle The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair emphasizes many hardships that were present among immigrants during their journey to America. To overcome these hardships, Jurgis must be informed; by others that have experience and knowledge of the systems, and who have a familiarity with a seemingly new way of life. In The Jungle, Jurgis meets some key characters that help him manipulate and understand how to overcome many problems. Jack Duane, Bush Harper, and Mike …

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…as one man, though with the help, experience, and knowledge of others he may lead a much easier life. Mike Scully, Jack Duane, and Bush Harper all contributed to the coaching of the role Jurgis would ultimately play. Though learning and understanding they system of politics, businessmen, criminals, and unions, a little too late for his family, Jurgis himself was able to overcome many barriers that others were less fortunate and too blind to conquer.