The Joy and Pains of Dog Ownership.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The Joy and Pains of Dog Ownership This essay will document the joy and love of dog ownership. Pets can be a great addition to your family. I have two beautiful American Pit Bull Terriers (Honey and Spot) and they are the joy of my life. When you ask the question should I get a dog? there are important things to consider before making the decision. The purchase price of a dog can vary greatly. …

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…from your and much less complex. He has basic instincts and basic ways of responding to actions. He has definite limits to his physical and mental capacities that you need to understand. Before you can truly love your dog, you need to understand him. Learning to see the world from a dogs eye view, and understanding the basics of pack behavior will go far in helping you to understand how your dog views the world.