The Joy Luck Club. An essay comparing and contrasting the differences of American and Chinese culture through the book by Amy Tan.

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The Joy Luck Club "I wanted my children to have the best combination: American circumstances and Chinese character. How could I know these two things do not mix?"(Pg 289) Living in a cultural mish mash, it is very common to meet someone who will introduce themselves as a something - Canadian. In the book, The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, she writes about a group of four Chinese families who immigrate to the States, …

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…are treated and, sadly, riches. Just because you are Chinese, or anyone else for that matter, it does not mean that you cannot strive for the best of both worlds? What is stopping you from taking the best out of each side and combining it into some supernova? There may be many differences between the two cultures, but if people let differences stop them from achieving their goals then nothing would be the same now.