"The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Joy and Luck of the Family Brawl In Amy Tan's "The Joy Luck Club", the characters always seem to be fighting. Usually it's a Chinese mother going for the throat of her daughter. The major conflicts in the book are caused by a clash of the strong willed Chinese, and revolutionary American cultures. Waverly's mom, Lindo, is the proud parent of a young chess prodigy. She takes great pride in Waverly's success at the …

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…It's possible that Lindo is correct. However, it's also possible that Lindo is relentlessly seeking her goal, and Waverly just needs to try harder. The cultural differences among the families greatly hurts them, and hurts their functionality a lot. Unfortunately it usually is the mothers fault, but only because she fails to see her daughters point of view. Sadly, neither party is willing to culturally conform to the other, and the problems keep on coming.