The Joy Luck Club

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Social Psychology Joy Luck Club ;The Joy Luck Club explores the different mother-daughter relationships between the characters, and at a lower level, relationships between friends, lovers, and even enemies. This movie presents the conflicting views and the stories of both sides, providing the viewer--and ultimately, the characters--with an understanding of the mentalities of both mother and daughter, and why each one is the way she is. The two main themes of the story I will …

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…Francisco's Chinatown--contained Chinese elements. Thus, her first meal in China consists of hamburgers and apple pie, per the request of her fully "Chinese" relatives. Perhaps, then, there is no such thing as a pure state of being Chinese, a pure state of being American; all individuals are amalgams of their unique tastes, habits, hopes, and memories. For immigrants and their families, the contrasts within this combination can bring particular pain as well as particular richness.