The Joy Luck Club

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
<Tab/>Home is not exactly a place but it is an understanding of the beliefs of the mothers in the novel and the different but not wrong beliefs of their daughters. The first relationship that will be discussed is the relationship between An-mei Hsu and her brief relationship with her mother in China. An-Mei first describes her mother as a ghost who later returns to her after she had been gone …

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…I wish I wasn't your daughter. Then I wish I'd have never been born! I wish I were dead! Like them. (142). Referring to the baby twin daughters Suyuan was forced to abandon, Suyuan never tried to force Jing-mei to do anything. And until only after Suyaun died, did June realize how much her mother was trying to do for her and how much she would have really given to her if she had just asked.