The Joy Luck Club

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Chinese values, beliefs, and traditions have been slowly disregarded by many of the descendants of Chinese immigrants. In the book, The Joy Luck Club, written by Amy Tan, this is portrayed in mother-daughter relationships. Lindo Jong tries to teach Waverly, her daughter, about all the Chinese values, beliefs, and traditions. Waverly is affected greatly by her mother's Chinese culture and finally, at the end of the book, finally realizes what it means to be Chinese. …

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…find her self-identity. We can all learn from the stories and the lessons learned by Waverly. We all have to be weary of losing our culture. We have to learn from Waverly's mistakes and communicate with our parents, learn about our culture, and try to be part of our culture. It is important of us to do this so that we know where we come from and we know why we act like we do.