The Japanese Occupation of Manchuria and the Effects of the Incident.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
A particular chain of events resulted in catastrophe. China was in a weakened state as it had no centralized government and the country was divided into parts; each ruled by a different warlord. Both Japanese and Russian forces were taking advantage of China's weakness to seize land. In 1904 Russian occupational forces were attacked by the Japanese army in Manchuria. A major battle ensued for the next 18 months. In the end the Japanese and Russians signed …

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…never do so. (Works Cited Page Below) Works Cited Internet Sources: Book Sources: The May Fourth Movement Written by: Chow Tse-tsung Published by: Stanford University Press Year: 1960 A Dictionary of Modern History Written by: A.W. Palmer Published by: Penguin Reference Books Year: 1964