The Japanese Internment During WWII

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
The Japanese Internment During WWII <Tab/>In 1942, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order No. 9066 into law, which eventually forced close to 120,000 Japanese-Americans in the western part of the United States to leave their homes and move to one of ten 'relocation' centers or to other facilities across the nation. This order came about as a result of great prejudice and wartime hysteria after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Even before …

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…World War II". Roy Webb, Multimedia Archivist, 2.<Tab/>"Japanese Internment During World War II". American Immigration Law Foundation Fact Sheet, Prepared September 19, 2001. ©1996-2003 AILF. 3.<Tab/>"The Internment of Japanese-Americans During World War II". Oh, California. Houghton Mifflin Social Studies. Copyright © 1999 Houghton Mifflin Company. Pages 276-284