The Japanese Internment

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Essay Database > History
The Japanese Internment Throughout history, Canada has relatively been a supporter of multiculturalism. In the past Canada has had very few racial conflict, although there has been one incident which has had quite a controversial effect about human rights violations and discrimination. This thorn in Canada's side is the Japanese Internment which took place during the second world war. The Japanese Internment took place between the years of 1941 and 1949. At the time most of the …

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…Japanese didn't help Canada at all. Some people believed that the internment was a necessary action, because Canada's national security was being threatened by the Japanese who were dwelling near the Pacific Ocean. Other people support this opinion but think that the Germans, Austrians, and Italians, should of been treated the same way. A different opinion is that the internment shouldn't of happened at all, and that the Japanese were discriminated against throughout the war.