"The Jade Peony" written by author Wayson Choy.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"The Jade Peony" written by author Wayson Choy allows Canadian reader's to get a glimpse of the reality of an immigrant family's life, viewed through the simple perspective of a child narrator. In part one of "The Jade Peony" one does not learn about the characteristics and desires of the narrator at sudden, however, a vital and fairly constructive way to recognize the individuality and personality of the narrator in the story, which is a …

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…an obligation to family traditions and beliefs. To conclude, it can be understood that, the relationship with both Poh-Poh and Wong Suk brings Liang's character into sharper definition, one is able to determine her hidden desires and personality's this way, subsequently once becoming aware of that, one can figure what Wayson Choy has achieved by using a child narrator to present "Part One" of his novel "The Jade Peony", which is indeed quite a lot!