The Issues of Women Characters in Miriam Tlali's.

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The Issues of Women Characters in Miriam Tlali's Muriel at Metropolitan A South Africa writer, Pamala Ryan, provides an interesting analysis of Miriam Tlali's Muriel at Metropolitan by arguing that: "[...] black women do not have time to dream" (95). The lives of black women are besieged with restraints and conflicts. Black women in South Africa do not have the "complete peace inside" (Ryan 95); they strive against racial discrimination and injustice to claim their freedom. The struggle …

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… "The Dynamics of Difference: Book Review of Audre Lorde's Sister Outsider (1984)." Black Feminist Criticism. New York: Pergamon Press Inc., 1985: 205-210 Ryan, Pamela. "Black Women Do Not Have Time to Dream: The Politics of Time and Space." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literatur.11.1 (Spring, 1992): 95-102. Tlali, Miriam. Muriel at Metropolitan. 1979. Harlow: Longman Group UK Limited, 1987. Verba Sharon. "Feminist and Womanist Criticism of African Literature: A Bibliography." 20 July 1997 <>.