The Isolation, Exploitation, and Discrimination of Border Crossing

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
When humans interact through the crossing borders and migration into new regions, the residents and immigrants are faced with the problems of racism, segregation, misinterpretation, and even exploitation of others. The Spaniards explored the New World in the 15th and 16th centuries and they saw a land full of economic opportunities. The native residents had no idea of what the European's intentions were with their exploration efforts. Central American war refuges from countries such as …

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…clearly see, immigration had a direct negative impact towards migrants and residents of the Americas. South American Indians, Mexicans, and Koreans all came to America in order to pursue the American Dream, but they were faced with isolation, exploitation, and discrimination. Until the United States finds a proper solution to solve residential segregation, institutionalized racism, and the misinterpretation of others, these obstacles will continue to exist in the process of assimilation of immigrants into America.