The Irish Immigrants

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Canada is a country with a population of approximately 30 million people, of which 4 million are of Irish ancestry. We find ourselves asking these questions; when did the Irish arrive, how did they travel, and why did they leave their homeland of Ireland? In this report you will find all the answers to those questions, and receive a better understanding of what the Irish immigrants went through to get to this beautiful country of Canada. Up …

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…wooden fever sheds. These makeshift hospitals were badly understaffed, unsanitary and simply a place to die. As you can see the Irish Immigrants had to go through many hardships, just to arrive in this beautiful, free country of Canada, that we sometimes take for granted. They have given us wonderful music, dancers, produce and brave glorious people. The Irish influence in Canada has contributed immensely to our culture and the development of our country today.