The Irish-American Fenian Invasion of Canada 1866

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Fenian Invasion of Canada "Here's to the Irish The Men that God made mad For all their wars are merry And all their songs are sad." - G.K. Chesterton The rise of the Fenian Movement in the United States grew from a long tradition of revolutionary movements to free Ireland from the oppressive rule of the British Imperialists. Irish who immigrated to the United States during the 1840s- 1860s were drawn to the Fenian …

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…Park: Pennsylvania State University Press 1982.), p. 48 O'Leary, John. Recollections of Fenianism. (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1969.) p. 101 Neidhardt, W.S. Fenianism in North America. (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1982.), p. 56 Smith, Paul G. "Fenian Invasions of Canada" Military History (January 2000), p. 11 MacKay, Donald. Flight from Famine: The Coming of the Irish to Canada. (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Inc., 1992.) p. 320 MacManus, Seamus. The Story of the Irish Race. (Dublin: The Devon-Adair Company, 1974.), p.619