The Invisible Man

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Essay Database > Literature > English
This book deals with a scientist (Griffin), who manages to make himself invisible. He is studying the subject "light" and is making experiments during four years. He developes a drug, which makes it possible to become invisible. He first enjoys his invisibility a lot, but he soon realizes, that it is not an advantage -like he first thought- to be invisible, but a disadvantage. Slowly, he goes crazy and begins to flout the laws. He …

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…the skin. The crowd carries him into the next Inn and so the book ends. "The Invisible Man" was published in 1897. The year is significant, because it is at the center of the Age of invention, that period of wonderment when the world believed that science could cure all its ills. As the transparent existence of the Invisible Man reveals, the achievements of science are worthless without a human mind that can use them wisely.