The Invisible Man

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Edna's Death, Suicide or not? I don't think Edna's death was suicide. I think the sea is a link between Robert and Edna, it pulls them together. And even though she knows she shouldn't be going to the beach, she is drawn, pulled by an unseen force. She finds comfort when she is there, or even when she is just thinking about it. She even compares the ocean to the grass she remembers walking through …

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…the freedom and love that had been missing within her. She was a woman looking to open something within herself but when she does she doesn't know what to do with the discovery she has made. So she chooses a path to freedom that nobody can control. So in conclusion, Edna's death at the end of the book wasn't exactly suicide, but an embracing of freedom or a new life the ocean represented. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**