The Invincible

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Long ago the God Perpiplaneta lived high upon mount Olympia. As the fates spun their threads over countless ages, Perpiplaneta began to feel an urge to cast aside mortal men and populate the lands with beings of his own creation. And so he came down from the mountain of the gods, and made himself lord of many cities on earth by invading them and killing every man woman and child he laid eyes upon. He …

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…him once more, and made the once mighty god a small and insignificant creature, and laid upon him one final curse: Ever would he be crushed under the feet of man, only to be reborn again as two, and ever would he face death at the hands of mortals, and ever would he return. We call the many scattered pieces of Perpiplaneta "Cockroaches" now, because they, like the cocks at morning, cry against the dawn.