The Internet as a Child Predator's Tool: Awareness and Prevention

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Because the internet has become user friendly, is easily accessed, and provides a degree of anonymity, child predators have found a new playing field that supports and enables their crimes. Everyone, especially parents and children, should be aware of what is becoming a large problem in America, and take steps to prevent falling victim to a child predator. Through this paper we will become aware of how easily child predators are able to access the …

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…February 1, 2006 from Schmalleger, Frank. (2006). In F. Mortimer, Jr. & S. Holle (Eds.), Criminology Today (472-500). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Stafford, Rob. (2006). Your Kid's Cyber Secret. Retrieved January 30, 2006 from Whitlock, N.W., & Martinez, M. (2006). Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet: Profile of a Predator. Retrieved January 31, 2006 from