The Internet, Then and Now.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
Introduction Today, the Internet has become one of the most popular ways to do business, send letters, search for information and even date. Its popularity has exploded with citizens of the world, both young and old. Between cities or nations, roughly everyone is 'online' or knows what the Internet is. Today 78 countries have full Internet access connections, and 146 countries can exchange e-mail. ( IBC 1996) Every 30 minutes, a new network signs on to the Internet. No one …

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…' American Heritage. New York. October 1996. Vol. 46 Number 6. Pg. 34-45. IBM Corporation. 'History of the Internet.' WWW.IBM.COM. June 1995 Internet Business Center (IBC). Statistical Review. WWW.IBC.COM. May 1996 Kissinger, Henry. 'Diplomacy' New York, New York. Simon & Schuster, 1994. Pg. 423-445, 762-803. Rheingold, Howard. 'The Virtual Community, Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier.' Menloa Park, California. Addison-Wesley. 1993. Pg. 65 The Birth of the Internet, Then and Now Research paper Submitted to: Submitted by: June 6, 1996