The Inportance of Social Experience

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
The Importance of Social Experience Throughout history there have been many theories on how important social experience is to human development, but what if a child were to have no social experience? Would the child still develop and become a normal functioning adult? Although scientists have never actually experimented with isolating humans, there have been cases of abuse in which children were socially isolated for long periods of time(Macionis J. & Gerber L. 2002, …

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…and Gerber L. 2002,p.116-117) Using Piaget's findings alone one could certainly conclude that social isolation at any stage could be detrimental to ones development. Unfortunately there are reported and studied cases in which human beings were exposed to this horrible form of abuse which obviously has long lasting, devastating effect on the poor children who were exposed to it. REFERENCE LIST 1.Macionis J. & Gerber L: 2002. Sociology: Fourth Canadian Edition. Toronto: Prentice Hall